WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.
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ZEO vs ZYN: The Two Z’s Fight it Out

For anyone seeking out a ZYN replacement, trying ZEO might seem like it makes sense. They’re both “Z” brands with short, snappy names, and there’s even some overlap of flavors. But how do ZYN vs ZEO compare?

This guide runs through everything there is to know about their similarity and differences, from how they taste to the ingredients behind the scenes.


Siberia Pouches in the US vs Europe: What’s the Difference?

Siberia has gained a firm following for its dedication to creating some of the strongest, most intense formulations on the market. But the eagle-eyed among you may have noticed that the brand’s products appear different depending on whether they’re sold in the US or Europe. What gives?

The good news is that, underneath the unfamiliar packaging, the core product remains practically the same. A Siberia nicotine pouch is a Siberia nicotine pouch, although it may come in a distinct can with a different shape or nicotine contents. We’ll clear up the finer details below, along with the question of snus.


VELO in the US vs Europe: A Quick Guide

VELO is Europe’s biggest nicotine pouch brand, and it has also found an appreciative market in the US. Although the products sold in the two regions are different, they’ve both proved popular for the same reasons — they offer an impressive array of flavor profiles that just hit the spot.

With the release of VELO Plus for the US market, that popularity might be about to jump even more. This range brings everything that's great about European VELO to the American market (but more on that shortly). For anyone curious about the differences between products in the two regions, this guide outlines everything there is to know.


What’s the Difference Between White Fox Pouches in the US vs Europe?

When buying nicotine pouches from online stores, customers can encounter brand differences in different markets, which often confuses - a lot. Sometimes, the differences are major, and sometimes closer to none. There are many known examples of this, but one we will take a closer look at in this article is White Fox.


Ozempic & ZYN: Is ZYN an Ozempic Dupe?

If you’ve spent any time in 2024 on a celebrity’s social media comments section, you’ve probably heard of Ozempic — but if you’re not a celebrity yourself, getting your hands on it is another matter. Many are looking for an alternative option to help them lose weight, and word on the street is that ZYN nicotine pouches are a potential option.

While ZYN does have some appetite-suppressing qualities, it’s not suitable as an “Ozempic dupe” since it isn’t an approved medication. Let’s explore this in more detail.


LUCY Vs ZYN: A Battle of the Pouches

At first glance, the two brands are only one letter and one syllable apart. But the differences between LUCY pouches and ZYN pouches go beyond their names alone. What is lurking within the sachets, and which brand offers the best experience?

We’ve broken down how the two brands compare in various aspects, including flavors, strength levels, and cost.


Can You Travel with Nicotine Pouches?

When traveling to somewhere new, there’s a lot to plan, from drinking water to transport arrangements. The last thing anyone wants is to arrive somewhere new — probably with jet lag — and be left scrambling to find a place to buy ZYNs or nicotine pouches.

This article outlines exactly what to expect when traveling with nicotine pouches, including brands like ZYN.


The Most Popular ZYN Memes in 2025

With ZYN nicotine pouches becoming popular, and finding themselves in more headlines, it's only natural for the brand to feature on various social media platforms. A way in which it has been spoken about online is through memes, some of which you may have already seen. Here we delve into them and the role they play within the community while highlighting some of the more popular memes and their makers.


Why is ZYN Appearing in the Media and Politics?

ZYN nicotine pouches have been a hot topic in 2024, with what began as TikTok coverage to its involvement in the political battle and surprising manufacturing shortages, ZYN has seen its fair share of publicity. These stories increased its coverage across all news outlets in the US, spiking people's interest and sprouting more and more questions. Here, we dive into the nicotine pouch brand's involvement in US politics as it’s election year and many cultural battles between the two parties will be and have been fought, with ZYN and nicotine pouches being one.  So, let's see what’s going on.  


ZYN Rewards — How to Earn Points at Prilla and Receive Freebies

For many pouch aficionados, ZYN is unbeatable, with the brand cementing itself as the most popular in the US. But if one thing can beat the nation’s favorite pouch brand, it’s getting free goodies in return for using ZYN nicotine pouches.

All purchases, including those made on Prilla, contain codes that customers can redeem through the rewards program. This article covers everything there is to know about the ZYN rewards program, including how to sign up and key details.
