WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.
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ZEO vs ZYN: The Two Z’s Fight it Out

ZEO vs ZYN: The Two Z’s Fight it Out
Posted in: Comparisons

For anyone seeking out a ZYN replacement, trying ZEO might seem like it makes sense. They’re both “Z” brands with short, snappy names, and there’s even some overlap of flavors. But how do ZYN vs ZEO compare?

This guide runs through everything there is to know about their similarity and differences, from how they taste to the ingredients behind the scenes.

Key takeaways

  • ZEO and ZYN offer some of the same flavors
  • ZYN pouches are dry, while ZEO pouches are moist
  • ZYN pouches are mini, while ZEO pouches are slim
  • ZEO cans contain 25 pouches, while ZYN cans contain 15 pouches

ZEO vs ZYN: Do They Taste the Same?

There are six ZEO nicotine pouches flavors stocked on Prilla:

  • Menthol 
  • Wintergreen
  • Mint Breeze (a balanced mint profile with refreshing, sweet, and herbal notes)
  • Watermelon Wave
  • Pineapple Tropic
  • “Flavor free”

For ZYN fans, some of these taste profiles may sound familiar.

ZYN has two products with exactly the same name as those of ZEO — Menthol and Wintergreen. This doesn’t mean the pouches are exactly the same, since there are a few other differences (which we’ll get to in the rest of this article). But at least on the flavor front, these pouches are broadly similar.

Then there’s Mint Breeze. It offers a mint fusion rather than focusing on a single type of mint, but it does have a herbal and sweet flavor. This is comparable to ZYN spearmint, a type of mint that is known for being gentler than the likes of menthol and peppermint.

However, other ZEO flavors bring something new to the table, such as the exotic Pineapple Tropic and Watermelon Wave.

ZEO vs ZYN: How Strong Are They?

No matter how closely aligned two nicotine pouches are on flavor, the experience they provide can be starkly different depending on potency.

There are three strength levels:

  • 6mg: A medium strength that suits those looking for an everyday pouch.
  • 9mg: A higher strength that offers a more intense experience.
  • 12mg: An extra-strong option that stands alongside other fan favorites like Siberia and White Fox.

ZYN pouches are available in 3mg and 6mg versions on Prilla, meaning they’re less potent overall. For those with a strong preference for one end of the strength spectrum, choosing between the two brands should be simple.

Also, anyone switching from ZYN to ZEO should think twice before trying to match their consumption, as they could end up consuming four times as much nicotine! However, both brands have their place in rotations, depending on preferences.

ZEO vs ZYN: How Moist Are They?

The strengths and flavors are the two most obvious distinguishing factors, but there’s another more “hidden” aspect that can make a big difference: Moisture content.

Even lighter strengths can feel stronger with higher moisture contents, since this results in a faster release of nicotine and flavor, therefore upping the intensity. As for high-strength pouches that are also moist? It will be even more intense!

ZEO pouches are known for their high moisture content of 30%. Generally, higher moisture contents mean pouches don’t last so long, but this isn’t the case here — the brand claims they still have a long-lasting flavor due to its use of patented slow nicotine release technology.

On the other hand, ZYN pouches are dry, which means they provide a slow and balanced release of nicotine and flavor (even without any fancy patented technology). Due to the combo of dry contents and lower strengths, they may be a better choice for users who just want a light release of nicotine over an extended period. Meanwhile, ZEO makes sense for those looking to maximize intensity.

ZEO vs ZYN: How Big Are They?

ZEO pouches have an ergonomic slim format, which is the most popular size for nicotine pouches. They’re also known for their soft and smooth fabrics, adding an extra comfort factor.

ZYN pouches are mini. This is also known for being an ergonomic shape, as their small size means they fit into the mouth more easily.

With two pouch formats that are both described as ergonomic, it begs the question: Which is best? But as with many things, the answer is (annoyingly) that it depends on individual preferences.

ZEO vs ZYN: What’s Inside?

When it comes to nicotine pouches, most can probably agree it’s what’s on the inside that counts.

Most nicotine pouches contain broadly the same ingredients, but one area where there can be significant differences is the type of nicotine.

ZEO uses synthetic nicotine that is pharmaceutical-grade. More specifically, it uses S-nicotine (rather than R-nicotine, which is cheaper). This is a form of synthetic nicotine that’s more bioavailable and has a cleaner flavor.

ZYN uses a form of nicotine salt that is found in nature. It’s also tobacco-free and pharmaceutical-grade.

Realistically, not everyone can tell the difference. But the more you know…

ZEO vs ZYN: How Many Pouches Do They Contain?

ZEO cans contain 25 pouches each, which is more nicotine pouches per can than most brands. ZYN cans contain 15 pouches, which is less than many competitors.

As a result, ZEO offers “more bang for your buck”. But bear in mind that ZYN offers a ZYN Rewards program, which equalizes things somewhat.


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