WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.
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News & Trends

Stay in the loop with what’s happening in the wider world of nicotine pouches and the smokeless industry. This section contains articles about the latest product trends, market growth, and policy changes affecting the sector.

The Most Popular ZYN Memes in 2025

With ZYN nicotine pouches becoming popular, and finding themselves in more headlines, it's only natural for the brand to feature on various social media platforms. A way in which it has been spoken about online is through memes, some of which you may have already seen. Here we delve into them and the role they play within the community while highlighting some of the more popular memes and their makers.


Why is ZYN Appearing in the Media and Politics?

ZYN nicotine pouches have been a hot topic in 2024, with what began as TikTok coverage to its involvement in the political battle and surprising manufacturing shortages, ZYN has seen its fair share of publicity. These stories increased its coverage across all news outlets in the US, spiking people's interest and sprouting more and more questions. Here, we dive into the nicotine pouch brand's involvement in US politics as it’s election year and many cultural battles between the two parties will be and have been fought, with ZYN and nicotine pouches being one.  So, let's see what’s going on.  


ZYN Shortage: What You Need to Know

The ongoing ZYN shortage is proof that a company can be a victim of its own success. Demand for the brand’s pouches has steadily increased over the last few years, and since May 2024, many US states have been struggling to replenish their stock levels — especially for the most popular flavors.

This post will shed some light on the situation and offers suggestions for obtaining ZYN pouches (or a suitable alternative).


How Much Is The Nicotine Pouch Market Expected To Grow?

We already know that nicotine pouches aren’t some passing fad. Just walk into most convenience stores and you’ll see multiple brands advertised for sale. While it certainly seems that the market is growing, what does the data say? Several sources support the prediction that the nicotine pouch market is going up, including trade reports and studies from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Here’s what the experts are saying about this smokeless, tobacco-free product and its future both here in the States and around the globe.


Where In the World Are Nicotine Pouches Popular?

It may have been a while since you last traveled—especially on a global scale—but you don’t need to pack a suitcase to consider yourself a global citizen. In fact, knowing how people in other countries shop and live can help you understand the culture so you can empathize more with others and be better prepared for when you do actually visit. One cultural norm that’s growing in many areas of the world is the use of “tobacco-free oral nicotine” products, such as nicotine pouches.

How do other countries use this product? Are they more or less popular overseas than they are here in the U.S.? Get fast facts regarding the history and popularity of nicotine pouches in this guide.


Nicotine Pouches: Passing Fad or Lasting Trend?

Maybe you’ve only just heard about nicotine pouches and the wide variety of strengths and flavors available. Or, you may be a fan of their flexibility in a variety of environments. Whatever your experience, you may be wondering if nicotine pouches are something we can expect to have access to for years to come. Or could they end up like other products that have come and gone?

While we don’t have a crystal ball to predict the future, the past sales of nicotine pouches paired with their current popularity can tell us a lot about their potential. Here's what we do know about how accepted they are in society and what the forecast may be for those hoping they will stay around.
